Wednesday, 22 October 2014

No Till , Why?

No Till, just a few reasons why Often called “Conservation Agriculture” (CA) is used to define zero-tillage combined with permanent surface mulch The benefits of minimal soil disturbance plus mulch can be seen in practice at many Permaculture farms, including here at Quinta Cabeça do Mato where gradually our land is being transformed to more fertile and abundant and beautiful nature loving state, Feed the earth and Feed your plants to Feed healthy people. That’s a circle coming back to a healthy planet! If you are local and interested in our Community Supported Agriculture scheme please contact us at This method gives savings in time - we can use this time to do other activities but also it can result in timelier planting and better yields Less cost - savings in fuel costs (Taking into account the unsustainable use of non renewable fossil fuels , we only have one planet) also energy for pumping water, and less wear and tear on tractors and equipment, in fact the tractor should be used to the minimum. Savings in water and therefore increased water use efficiency – (using drip for ex.) better water infiltration and better moisture in the soil profile Less soil erosion since water infiltration is better Minimal soil disturbance actually brings less seed to the surface for germination . With a good layer of mulch and time, weed problems are reduced. Mulch from cereal residue has allelopathic properties that reduce weed germination Soil organic matter increases, especially at the soil surface where it is most important Soil physical properties including surface soil aggregates improve. Soil porosity improves because of the action of the previous crop roots that leave a network of continuous pores that allow for easier root penetration of the next crop . Soil biological diversity increases incredibly leading to more biological activity and Mycorrhizal Fungi and better recycling of nutrients It has been shown that once this system has stabilized, pest and disease problems are less. For pests, the residue on the surface promotes and provides a habitat for beneficial insects. For diseases, soil microbial diversity is increased leading to better disease control and reduction in proliferation of just a few pathogenic diseases. Be Aware- Our land is the most degraded biological entity on Earth, Each mechanical cultivation kills off micro-organisms. We should have respect for the land and realize we are working with a living biological entity

Sunday, 19 October 2014

Apanhar Azeitonas, Picking olives

Invitation to help ,2 weeks- 25 Oct-8 Nov , come and join in the olive harvest at Quinta Cabeça do Mato, Tábua. Please bring clothes for all weathers, and sleeping bag, torch, willing hands. We provide vegetarian food. Shared house. Let us know if you can come, details- Convite para estes duas semanas, 25 Oct-8 Nov, junta-te ao à colheita de azeitonas na Quinta Cabeça do Mato, Tábua. por favor traga roupa para todas tempos, saco-cama, lanterna, vontade de trabalhar. Comida vegetariana incluída. Casa partilhada Avisa-nos se puderes vir,

Friday, 10 October 2014

Beautiful days

Would you like to volunteer to help on our Permaculture farm? please send us an email!