Saturday, 28 April 2007

Green Gathering Pictures - Fotos Vida Verde

Openning circle - Circulo de abertura
Openning circle - Circulo de abertura
Openning circle - Circulo de abertura
Eco building workshop with Tony Wrench - Workshop de eco-construção com Tony Wrench
Planning the fisrt cord wood wall with spiral bottles - Planeamento da primeira parede de lama e madeira com espiral em garrafas de vidro

Eco-house view - Vista da eco-casa
Walk in the nature - Caminhada na natureza
Raquel talks about reflorestation and plants - Raquel fala sobre reflorestação e plantas

Pedro starts the fire to cook organic bread - Pedro prepara o fogo para cozer pão biologico

Organic bread workshop with Pedro - Workshop de pão biologico com Pedro

Drum Circle with Kula - Circulo de percussão com Kula

Seeds and information exchange - Troca de sementes e de informação
Sweet melodies - Melodias harmoniosas
Singging and dancing with Tony- Danças e cantigas com Tony

Medicinal garden with Mirriam - Horta medicinal com Mirriam

Medicinal garden with Mirriam - Horta medicinal com Mirriam

Medicinal garden with Mirriam - Horta medicinal com Mirriam

Raised beds workshop - Workshop de camas de cultivo

Reiki with Rickie - Rickie a dar Reiki

Ayurvedic massage with Javier - Javier a dar massagem ayurvediva

Bio-diesel workshop - Workshop de Bio-diesel

Natural soap workshop - Workshop de sabão natural

Rocket Stove made by Carol&Tom

Rocket Stove cooking - Cozinhando com o Rocket Stove

How to make a Yurt with Lou&Par - Workshop de como montar um Yurt

Recycling workshop-Workshop de reciclagem

Recyling tins with Leen - Latas recicladas com Leen

Reception - Recepção

Adobe block press workshop with Ally -Workshop de como fazer blocos de adobe com Ally

Miguel working with the block press- Miguel a experimentar a prensa

Adobe blocks - Blocos de adobe

Recycling paper workshop - Workshop de papel reciclado

Recycling paper workshop - Workshop de papel reciclado

Laugh therapy with Kula-Terapia do Riso com Kula

Feltro workshop - Workshop de feltro

Julio Piscarreta's solar oven workshop - Workshop de fornos solares com Julio Piscarreta

Solar oven - Forno solar

Café/Shop area - Àrea junto do Café/Loja


Sacred fire - Fogo sagrado


Unknown said...

Hey people, it looks like fine place for living.
I'm with you

Anonymous said...

well done ,seen the snaps did like the idea of the mud blocks and the burner to heat the round house looks like its in front .nice 1 .will see you on the 4-5 july . tam

Anonymous said...

well done ,seen the snaps did like the idea of the mud blocks and the burner to heat the round house looks like its in front .nice 1 .will see you on the 4-5 july . tam